Skills and Tricks

Hybrid Tutorials

Expanding under fire

This is a simple skill which shouldn't really need to be on here, however I see so many players not do this effectively so I felt I should add it. When you there is open territory during a battle you must be expanding towards their border whenever there is an opportunity to do so. The enemies bullets might sometimes move away for a second, and this is when you must take advantage of that small window of opportunity and expand ahead of their fire. However, you must wait for your chance and be patient but ready. Avoiding bullets while expanding is important, which needs practice and experience. This is one of the most important skills for a hybrid and the better you are at it the better hybrid you are.

Bullet stacking

This is a very common skill these days which all hybrids must know. To Bullet Stack you move away from your target in the opposite direction. You then start firing bullets as you move towards your target. The aim is to get your bullets close together so that whoever is defending cannot repair quick enough and is caught off guard. The more Player Speed you have the more effective this skill is, however it is still effective at 0 player speed.


Building and shooting at the same time is an extremely useful skill which will help defend area as well as speed things up. To do this you must alternate your clicks. Press left click to shoot and then right click to build. You must press them quick enough so that you shoot as if you were holding left click down but you will also be builder. This skill is all about finding the right rhythm to alternate your clicks. You must alternate quick enough so that you shoot at full reload but slow enough so that you can do it for a long period of time and not get worn out. Doing this correctly for a long period of time is hard and takes a lot of practice to get right. This skill is mostly useful when clearing out area and splitting it up.

Target switching

Target switching is when you are shooting at a tower which keeps on getting repaired, so you switch to a different tower in a place on screen but a little bit away from the builder. This will allow you to take down a tower while the builder is trying to move to the new tower you are shooting at. It is a good way to move builders around to where you want them. It can also be a used to frustrate good builders. This is a great way to continue to push against even a good builder.

Shield switching

Shield switching is when your shooting a tower and the shield pops up so you switch to a tower which doesnt have the shield up and then you switch back when the other shield has disappeared. This is a simple skill which can require practice and focus. This will make you more effective at destroying towers and gaining area.


This has become more and more common for builders, but yes it can be a really useful tool for hybrids to use when they see an opportunity to do so. A Potshot is simply a single bullet which catches a player off guard and kills them. Catching a player off guard like this can be an amazing way to get a kill which could of taken a while to get. Even top players die to a good potshot from time to time so getting good at this skill is a very useful one to have. But do not over use this as a hybrid because most of the time you wont get the kill so you don't want to waste your time.

Backing off

Backing off so that the enemy players think you have gone elsewhere can be an amazing strategy sometimes when things get tough. Back off so that the enemy players cannot see you and wait for 5 maybe 10 seconds for them to leave and think you are gone. Then you simply go back and sometimes they will have just left and gone elsewhere. This simple trick will allow you to keep gaining area. This doesn't always work but when it does it is amazing and simple.

Back Fire

Back fire is when you move away from your target and as your doing so shoot a single bullet behind you where the enemy is. This can be a good way to catch someone off just as they think they won the battle. It is a simple but good tool for hybrid.

Shooting at a wall just before it breaks

Shooting at a wall just before the connecting tower breaks can be a good way to catch a player before they are prepared. This can be done by shooting at a tower then before your last bullet hits and breaks the tower you want to switch your fire to a connecting wall where the target maybe slightly exposed.